Tuesday, July 12, 2011



Well, we are coming up very quickly on a four year election cycle which makes this country so great. We get to vote to see who our next President of the United States of America is going to be. Me personally, I feel that this election cycle is very important. I feel that way for a lot of reason and they are too many to even bother about mentioning in a blog. But when it comes to electing a President, I feel we the people let it get too personal over each and every little issue. Instead of doing that, I feel we all need to step back a little, take a look at the big picture of the country and then ask ourselves. What is it I want in a person who is going to be President of my country?

Put all the petty differences between issues aside and ask yourself, what is it I want in a person who is going to be President of my country? People running for President can have all kinds of views on different things, but the President is not the person who makes the laws of this land, that is the Congress. The President can weigh in on them and give his views and even veto a bill if he views it is necessary to do so. But even then, if Congress wants to, they can override his veto. The President of the United States of America is charged with carrying out and insuring compliance by the American people of these laws. He does not make them, he just carries them out. We also have a justice system that will ensure that each and every law put forth to the American people is well within our rights given to us by the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States. So like everybody else in this country, the President should have his views on all issues, but when it comes right down to it, he is only there to carry out the laws from which Congress passes. Congress should only be passing laws in this country that are by the people, and are the will of the people. But that is a whole other blog.

So, again, what is it I want in a person who is going to be President of my country? I started about a month ago searching the internet for a few different things. Although I have voted in many local, state and national elections, I have never taken the time to find out what is the requirements and responsibilities of the President of the United States. Some of my searches included, “What is the Job Description of the President of the United States”, “What is the Responsibilities of the President of the United States”, and “What does the Constitution say about the President of the United States”. That is just a few of my searches, their was many more. Feeling that this is an important election, I thought it was my responsibility to find out what is required by the position of President. After reading through many articles, I came to the conclusion that the best was Article II of the Constitution of the United States when it came to defining the job of President. In using all of these articles, I have came up with my own job description or responsibilities description of the President of the United States. They are below:

1. Head of State - This responsibility requires a President to be an inspiring example for the American people. In some nations, the chief of state is a king or a queen who wears a crown on special occasions, celebrates national holidays, and stands for the highest values and ideals of the country. As the American Chief of State, the president is a living symbol of the nation. It is considered a great honor for any citizen to shake the president's hand.

2. Chief Executive - The president is the boss for millions of government workers in the Executive Branch, deciding how the laws of the United States are to be enforced and choosing officials and advisers to help run the Executive Branch of the Government. The Executive Branch of the Government does not makes laws, they are only charged with executing and enforcing them. The Executive Office of the President (EOP) consists of the immediate staff to the President, along with entities such as the Office of Management and Budget and the Office of the United States Trade Representative.

3. Chief Diplomat - The president decides what American diplomats and ambassadors shall say to foreign governments. With the help of advisers, the President makes the foreign policy of the United States. He appoints for Senate approval more than 50 independent federal commissions, such as the Federal Reserve Board or the Securities and Exchange Commission, as well as federal judges, ambassadors, and other federal offices.

4. Command in Chief - The president is in charge of the Untied States Armed Forces: the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marines. The president decides where troops shall be stationed, where ships shall be sent, and how weapons shall be used. All military generals and admirals take their orders from the President. He also has the authority and use of the States National Guards and Reserves.

5. Chief Legislator - The President has a constitutional requirement to "from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient." Although the President may fulfill this requirement in any way he or she chooses, Presidents have traditionally given a State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress each January (except in inaugural years) outlining their agenda for the coming year.

6. Guardian of the Economy - This responsibility of the President is to stay abreast and knowledgeable on such issues as unemployment, high prices, taxes, business profits, and the general prosperity of the country. The president does not control the economy, but is expected to help it run smoothly. He is also responsible for giving Congress a budget for consideration and vote each year.

7. Chief of Party - This responsibility is given to the President because of being the highest elected official from a party. In carrying out this responsibility, the President helps members of his political party get elected or appointed to office. The President campaigns for those members who have supported his policies. At the end of a term the president may campaign for reelection.

Now in looking at these 7 responsibilities, I ask once again, What is it I want in a person who is going to be President of my country? Simple, I want someone with the following attributes:

1. A Leader - Someone who can put their personal believes on issues aside and do what is best for my country according to the will of the people. No matter if it goes against or for their ideological believes their respective party may have. Someone who can take charge of the country, defending it when needed, make tough decisions even when they may not be popular with their party, but are according to the will of the people. A person who has integrity, loves my country, and puts the security of my country above all else. I want a President Honest, Forward Looking, Competent, Inspiring, and Intelligent. They must be able to handle, operate and lead the government in accordance with the way the Constitution was written. They must be able to communicate the correct Ideals, Morals and Traditions of this great country. This person must be able and willing to admit to their mistakes, to try new things, and to refine things that does not work. They must have the ability to work with other country’s and other parts of the government who make the country run.

A true leader is what we need in the white house. What we do not need in the white house is someone who knows all of the answers, because no one does. A true leader has the following traits:

- A true leader understands and listens to people!

- A true leader enlightens people!

- A true leader guides, but does not dictate to, people!

- A true leader enables and empowers people!

- A true leader motivates people!

- A true leader inspires people!

- A true leader credits people!

- A true leader helps people!

- A true leader leads by example!

- A true leader helps people!

This is what I am looking for in a President. We must realize though that whoever is voted in as our next President can only do one thing for us, and that is to lead us. It is the other parts of the government that we need to concentrate just as much or more on. Because no matter how good a President is, they are limited in power with most of his/her power being that of implementing laws and standards from other branches of the government.

This is part 1 of a series I am going to do on electing our officials.

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