Sunday, June 12, 2011

Generation "Y' Is Lazy

I went to Walmart twice this week. Here in a retirement community such as this that I live in, Walmart is a big part of the community. But I say this because of what came to my attention each time I went into the Walmart store. The first time was early in the week and when I walked through the door and there was a lady in her Walmart blouse welcoming me, she handed me a cart and said very friendly “Welcome to Walmart”. She was between the age of 60 and 70 years old, and did this using a walker. When I left the store, the same lady was still working and she said to me, “Thank You for Shopping at Walmart”. Later in the week, I went back to Walmart and this time there was a young man working the door as the Walmart Greeter, and he was somewhere between the age of 20 and 30. He was leaning on the wall next to a bread display and talking on his cell phone. He never took the time to say “Welcome to Walmart” or anything like that, he was too busy talking on his phone.

So I find myself asking is our younger generation, the so called “Y” generation that lazy? Do they not have any type of work ethic whatsoever? What is going to happen if we one day loose the ability to have satellites to work our cell phones or better yet, does this Y generation even understand that it takes satellites to work cell phones! I am very sorry to say, but I see everyday this younger generation thinking that they are owed a living by America and they wanted brought to them on a silver platter.

I find myself asking, do these younger kids know any skills for life? Can they grow, cook and preserve food or could they plant a garden and grow a patch of potatoes. They no longer repair things, they just throw them away and expect someone else to buy them a new one. Do they know what basic tools are and how to use them? If we were to loose the internet, would any of them know how to use the library? Do they understand when you don’t have enough money to do something, then you don’t do it?

I read an article today that said unemployment for people between the ages of 18 and 35 is the highest it has been since 1948. Yes, the economy is bad, but I also feel it has a lot to do with the work ethic of the “Y” generation. None of them want to start at the bottom and work their way up. They all want to come in and get paid more to do less. This generation seems to think that they know more than anybody else. Well, I am sorry, but I am here to say that personally I am going to take advise from someone older than me before I take it from someone younger. That older person has been around and he has seen it. He has seen both the good and bad this world has to offer.

America’s character and morals of this generation is also in the pits. They show no respect for themselves, their elders, their parents and their responsibility to live in a free country. We have mothers killing her children because they are in the way of them going out and having a good time. Fathers, who would rather spend their money on getting a new tattoo than putting clothes on their children’s back. Someone tell me the last time they saw a person below the age of 30 take the time in a grocery store to reach up on a high shelf to get something for someone in a wheelchair. It just does not happen. They fuss about the person in the wheelchair being in their way.

They say that the majority of people between the ages of 18 and 35 would like to get rid of “Social Security” and go back to when families took care of family members. People who want this have to be out of touch with reality. Today, the family unit is broken and keeps getting worse. Disabled, elder people in general have no family members who will help them and it will only get worse. I believe the baby boomers are the last generation that we will see that are willing to take care of elderly family members. More and more children and grandchildren often have no time for their older parents and grandparents and often feel that older and disabled people are in the way. They only contact them when they need money or wish to check on their possible inheritance from older members of the family. Many young people think nothing of stealing from their parents or grandparents if they think they can get away with it. So many families have only one adult or parent to support and nurture the children, and more and more women are supporting their boyfriends and fewer and fewer couples are getting married. A large number of families are in deep financial trouble because they have become so materialistic feeling they must have the latest new toy or electronic gadget on the market. It is a common fact now that many young adults often try to make older folks feel they have outlived their welcome no matter how hard they worked when they were young to help build a nation of these young people who feel it only belongs to them.

America was made great because each successful generation stepped up to the plate and took responsibility for themselves and their country. We will only see America continue to decline until this younger generation steps up and is willing to do the hard work it takes to make a country great.

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