My last blog was about what I would like in a person who is going to be President of my country. To carry on that conversation, I believe it is time for America to realize something, and that something is that we are in a gridlock in this country. Personally I believe that we have reached a point in this country that we can no longer agree to a majority on anything, and when we do come to a majority on something, the people who are in the non majority end refuse to accept it. This is at the local, state and national level. I also believe that if something is not done about it in the very near future, this country will again face another Civil War like the middle east countries are going through right now.
Simplicity is gone and an absolute was never ever really heard of in this country. Every single issue that comes up in this country these days has so many gray areas, and that is what divides our nation. However, this country was founded and made to run on what is known as the majority. If the majority of people wanted it one way, then that is the way is was suppose to be. The ones who were not part of the majority had to accept the way it was, get with the program, and make America work. It is not that way anymore. Instead of accepting what the majority wants, and continuing to believe in the way you believe and trying to convince the majority that it needs to be another way. We get angry, take it personally and start claiming that it is unconstitutional, against the law, or against the Bible. We have gotten to the point of if it is not our way, then we do not want to be a part of it. Whatever happened to, okay, that is what the majority wants, so let’s give it a chance, maybe it will work, and if it does not work, then we can try something else?
I read about a poll taken today, and I do not know who took the poll, because for the most part, I do not pay any attention to polls because the media and others takes these poll numbers and spins them 520 different ways from Sunday and they really come up meaning nothing. But I do want to use this one as an example to complete this blog. The poll was taken using 1,173 adults, meaning they are of voting age, and from this number 989 of them were registered voters. The poll results show that 63 percent of the people do not like the way the country is headed or is on the wrong track. The poll also said that 49 percent said that the problems is not because of President Obama. So, take a look at the numbers another way! A whopping 63 percent (a majority), says that they are not pleased with the way the country is heading and another 51 percent (a majority) think that the President is to blame for it. That tells me that only 37 percent (not a majority) likes the way the country is headed, and 51 percent (not a majority) thinks the President is to blame for it. Me personally, I get four things out of this, and they are 1) The country is not pleased with the way we are going, 2) The country thinks we need a new President, 3) The country thinks we need more than just a new President, and maybe the most important 4) The country has more than 15 percent of its people who are of age to vote not going to vote. The biggest thing I would like to get out of this poll and it does not tell us this, is how does the percentage of registered voters feel and how does the percentage of non voters feel. Because you see, if you do not vote, then you are part of the problem and not part of the solution. So I am sorry to say, but I feel if you do not vote, then you have no right to say if things are right or wrong.
Now me personally, I do not blame Obama for the gridlock that this country is in. I believe it has been coming for a long time, maybe even all the way back to the 1960’s when prayer was taken out of schools. So I am in the percentage of people who believe that the problem we have today in this country is to be blamed somewhere other than the Executive Branch of the government. If you noticed, that percentage was not mentioned in the poll.
Do not get me wrong, as of right this minute, I do not believe that President Obama is the person to lead this country, however, I also feel very strong that just changing the President of the United States is not going to fix our problems. I also feel very strongly about with the attitude of our country these days, that Obama will not have a hard time getting reelected.
I feel that the Legislative Branch of our government has become way to strong and feel that they believe they are the ones in government who run this country. I believe that going back to the Clinton administration, the Congress of the United States has been grid locking this country. If you remember back to my last blog, it is the Congress who passes the laws in this country, and they should do that by the will of the people. The President can only enforce these laws and make recommendations to Congress on what laws and issues they should deal with. Like me and you, the President really only has an opinion on these things. You see, I believe our Congress has forgotten that they work for us, and that the laws they should be passing should be the will of the people. The economic mess that we are in today is because of Congress. Yes, each of the Presidents over the last 25 years have had something to do with it, but it Congress who has been robbing Peter to pay Paul putting us in this economic mess.
We here people in Congress all the time talking about how we need to overhaul this and overhaul that. Well, I believe we need to start the overhauling things with the Congress itself. Our House of Representatives and Senate!
Like the Congress decided when Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected for the fourth time, it gave a person too much power to be President for that many terms. Well, I believe we need a term limit on our Congress that is the same as President of the United States.
Along with this term limit, we need to have a law that states people who were a Congressman or worked within the office of the Congress cannot go to work for any special interest groups or lobbyists once they have retired from Congress.
We need to stop all stock and commodities trading by all Senators, Representatives and their staffs.
We need to make sure Congress shows transparency by having all bills under 100 pages be made public for 7 days before a vote can happen. All bills over 100 pages shall be made public for 21 days before a vote can happen.
I believe a Senator or Representative of any district or any state in Congress is there for one reason and one reason alone, that is to represent the people.
Not to represent themselves and there buddies who will give them a nice slice of the pie for passing money and jobs there way.
So to me, to turn this country around and getting it heading back in the right direction, we need to vote in a President who is a great leader and who will listen to the people and oversee the government by the will of the people.
We need to overhaul our Legislative Branch of government and start voting in people who will take the peoples opinions and votes to Congress and not there own opinions and there will to take care of only themselves. We need a Congress who will pass laws and help run the government by the will of the people.
The American people need to get involved, they need to get out and vote, they need to research and find out what is going on in their community, there district, there state and there nation. What our politicians are doing in Washington, every state capitol and local districts effects each and everyone of us. Yes, every issue might not effect you directly, but it might effect your neighbor, friend, or family, and for that reason each and everyone of us need to know what is going on.
Write your Senator’s and House Representatives at both the state and national level. Find out what they are doing, ask them how they plan to vote on different things, and ask them to tell you the issues they are working on. They will answer you, because they work for you, and you need to let them know that! If we do not let them know how we feel about something, then they will vote the way they feel, and that is going to be voting the way that is more advantages to them. Not you!
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