Thursday, July 14, 2011


To continue today about my ranting and raving about Politics and Politicians in Washington D.C., I came across a blog written by Wolf Blitzer who is media guru (for a better word) for CNN. After reading it, I am even more positive that the people who run our country cares about nobody else but themselves and will do whatever they have to so that they can get further ahead.

Basically what this blog shows, is I guess back in 2006, we went through this same thing about raising the Debt Ceiling. The only difference at that time was we had a Republican President and everything was turned 180 degrees. President Bush wanted the Debt Ceiling to be raised 9 Trillion dollars, and the democrats was saying that he was foolishly spending the country’s money. The vote was passed by the Senate 52 to 48 to raise the debt ceiling, and as usual, the vote for the most part went party ways. A lot of the people who are dealing with this today on both the Democrat and Republican sides. The only difference is they are on the opposite of the argument today. Can you blame anybody for not trusting a politician? Here is Wolf Blitzer’s Blog entry.

(CNN)It’s hard not to be a bit cynical in watching politics unfold in Washington. As you know, the Republicans are all lined up resisting any effort to simply pass an increase in the nation’s debt ceiling with a straight up-or-down vote. They insist on large-scale spending cuts.

The Democrats and President Obama would certainly prefer what’s called a clean bill.

What a difference a few years and a new president can make.

Check out The New York Times of
March 16, 2006. The story notes that the Senate voted to increase the nation’s debt ceiling by a 52-to-48 vote. All of the Democrats, including then-Senators Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and Harry Reid, voted against raising the debt ceiling. With the exception of three Republicans, all the Republicans, including Mitch McConnell and Jon Kyl, voted in favor of what President George W. Bush was seeking.

Here was the first sentence in the Times report:

“The Senate voted narrowly today to raise the national debt limit to nearly $9 trillion, averting what would have been the first default ever on United States Treasury notes and giving Democrats an opportunity to portray Republicans as reckless with the people’s money.”

Here’s a quote in the article from Harry Reid: “Any objective analysis of our country’s fiscal history would have to conclude that this administration and this rubberstamping Republican Congress are the most fiscally irresponsible in the history of the country. In fact, no other president or Congress even comes close.”

Republican Senator Charles Grassley said the vote in favor of the legislation was necessary to preserve “the full faith and credit of the federal government.”

Now you can better understand why long-time Washington observers can become a bit cynical.

We need politicians in both the Executive and Legislative Branch of this government who is going to do what the people want. Until that is done, Washington is going to remain the same, no matter who our President is!!  We need people in Washington, D.C., who wants to do the right thing for the people, not the right thing for them.

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